We would like to invite you to participate in the free international Final Conference of the Erasmus+ ESTET project entitled „Education & Training for Sustainable Tourism in Europe„, which will take place on 1 December 2022 in the University of Social Sciences at 11 Lucka Street in Warsaw at 10 am.
The conference is aimed at:
1. Final users of the project results – VET providers (teachers, trainers, tutors) offering training programmes in the field of tourism and learners undergoing training in tourism and/or willing to improve their qualification;
2. Institutions and organisations that can support the multiplier effect of the project results through their further dissemination:
– Public bodies governing vocational education and training at upper secondary, post-secondary and tertiary level
– Institutions offering professional development programmes for teachers;
– Tourism branch organisations, professional association and networks, administration at local, regional and/or national level involved in tourism management, promotion and development – all organisations involved in the “education – industry” dialogue about the sectoral skills demand and curricular update
– NGOs/ non-profit organisations/ foundations dealing with environmental and sustainability issues
The conference is aimed at:
1. Final users of the project results – VET providers (teachers, trainers, tutors) offering training programmes in the field of tourism and learners undergoing training in tourism and/or willing to improve their qualification;
2. Institutions and organisations that can support the multiplier effect of the project results through their further dissemination:
– Public bodies governing vocational education and training at upper secondary, post-secondary and tertiary level
– Institutions offering professional development programmes for teachers;
– Tourism branch organisations, professional association and networks, administration at local, regional and/or national level involved in tourism management, promotion and development – all organisations involved in the “education – industry” dialogue about the sectoral skills demand and curricular update
– NGOs/ non-profit organisations/ foundations dealing with environmental and sustainability issues

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.